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We spend almost 90% of our time in our homes & so for me, this is one of the most vital elements when trying to create a healthy, mindful lifestyle! It has always shocked me that people have no issue whatsoever in spending thousands of dollars on spa treatments, clothing & useless "stuff" to fill empty spaces, yet their home is the last place that they think of making changes to, when truly, the impact it has on our state of mind is MASSIVE & should be one of the FIRST areas that we look to improve!

Deep down the soul searches for places of balance & sanctuary that provide reminders of what is truly important in life. It craves nooks & crannies that are in harmony with nature; where compassion, kindness & wisdom are able to flourish. When the right changes are made to your home, these qualities can blossom & grow both within you as well as your home. By changing your environment you will deeply change your life! Implementing some of the principles of feng shui help make our residences balanced & harmonious. When the energy within a home is aligned, so too will your soul be!! We need to use our homes to reconnect to the most sacred parts of our lives which will allow our potential in all areas of our lives to shine. It comes down to the simple fact that the soul needs 4 things in a home: 1) a sense of belonging (to feel a true connection to your roots), 2) to feel safe to allow you to be yourself without fear, 3) harmony with nature & 4) a sacred space. When all of these are present, your home will feel incredibly peaceful & in sync.

So where do you start? One of the first steps when meeting with my clients is to get them to become very clear on the home they are wanting to create. I love to give clients a bit of homework before starting a project to get them to really learn to “connect” with their space.⠀This should be something that is done on a consistent basis as the energy becomes stagnant or a shift is needed.

Your home needs to provide a sense of belonging & tell a story about your life experiences. You should look forward to returning to it, use it as an anchoring point from which you enter out into the world & it should always be a place where your heart resides. To belong to a space, it is vital that you ground yourself. It helps clarify what elements are most important to your soul & in turn, your home.⠀

• Start by taking some quiet time to sit in the middle of one room or your home⠀

• Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to start to relax⠀

• Listen to the sounds - what do you hear? How does it smell? How does it feel? Picture yourself in the room - what do you see?⠀

• Now ask yourself - what makes you feel MOST at home (the beach, mountains, a forest)

*This is really important because it connects you to the energy of the earth*

• Start to imagine the PERFECT home for yourself. What kind of walls are there – brick, stone, wood, glass, thick, thin, open to nature? What are the colors? Textures? What kind of floor? Are there windows? How many?

• Picture the roof – is it high, low, plain, ornate, flat, sloped? Are there beams? Is it rough? Smooth?⠀

• Continue through each room. Imagine EVERY detail – windows, stairs, lighting, fabrics, sounds, smells, colors & textures


Once you have finished (this is easier to do room by room to really connect with EACH INDIVIDUAL AREA) take a moment to write down what you experienced. These notes will be important points of reference to look back on as they will point out the discrepancies between the home you actually live in & and your perfect SANCTUARY as you begin to create it inch by inch!⠀




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