There IS a higher purpose to design than just making things pretty! The rooms in which we live are a direct reflection of what is going on in our lives (a chaotic mind = a chaotic home). It needs to feel like a soft place to land while supporting the people who live in it. Our home should tell our stories and the way to do that is based on the decisions we make of what we ALLOW to enter our sanctuary.

With increasing stress levels & lifestyles becoming busier, where we live not only needs to be a retreat for our tired bodies, but also for our souls. Our homes have an enormous impact on our state of mind – they can make us feel heavy & unmotivated or uplifted & held. By considering the body, mind & soul of the people who live there, the goal of holistic design is to achieve & maintain a balanced, positive state of wellness, as well as make the surroundings beautiful! Change your home…change your life!

Mindfully designing a space combines unique elements based on each individual's needs. It is not a cookie cutter solution to simply making things look pretty. There MUST be a connection between the home & its' residents. While there are some aspects that may sound a little "woo-hoo" (such as smudging to cleanse a space) it needs to be stressed that other parts of mindful design are still vital!
All five senses are involved & every single item brought into the home has actual thought put into it BEFORE it arrives. Aimlessly walking around large box stores searching for more "stuff" is not encouraged. A more in-depth process is required which in turn results in each client LOVING the sacred space they have had an important role in creating.

By implementing the powerful art of Feng Shui & shifting the energy within a space, both harmony & balance will be created! Your home will connect to your soul, resulting in remarkable changes to your entire lifestyle.
Taking into account color theory, form & function, lighting, window coverings, furniture & many other elements can seem like a daunting task for even the most seasoned design veteran! My goal with this blog is to share the knowledge I have gained from over 18 years' experience in the industry & to provide useful information to help navigate the overwhelming world of interior design!
I look forward to connecting & assisting you in creating your very own beautiful mindful sanctuary!
#mindful #mindfulinteriordesign #interiordesigner #mindfuldesigner #yegdesigner #renovations #infill #newhome #construction #holistic #home #wellness