Holistic Interior Design works closely with the four elements…earth, air, fire & water. Bringing nature into a space not only makes a statement but it synchronizes your home with nature. Going one step further by using your astrological sign’s element is next level design & will guide you to truly connecting, on a level you haven’t really thought about, with your home.

The idea of using these classical elements was used as far back as Ancient Greece & many cultures still believe (as do I!) that bringing them into the home helps to achieve balance & peace in your life. This is no joke…I’ve tested this in many ways and it truly does provide you AND your home with a different feel. I know, I know, a bit on the woo-woo side but trust me, it’s a THING! Just as our bodies are a temple, our homes are our sanctuary & once we start seeing them as such, it is only then that we will feel more fulfilled & content! Think about how much time you spend at home…especially now in this bizarre world we are living in. Connecting with your space will bring you peace, better sleep, calm anxiety & so many more qualities we are all looking so desperately for.

First things first. Figure out your astrological sign’s element. I’m a GEMINI (this would explain a lot of things lol!) which is an AIR sign. On a personal level, I need to ground myself DAILY! It connects me to nature & Mother Earth but also helps me to communicate & think outside of the box. It allows my creativity to expand & keeps me in the present! Another way of staying balanced (which is what the elements in a home are all about) is to bring in wood to represent the Earth. I personally love wood bowls but you can do this with furniture as well. I keep my paint color white (light & bright) & have large windows that allow light to shine through! A minimal, clean space is imperative for my well-being to keep the energy from getting stagnant & heavy! When I started to connect with my Earth Element, the results were life changing.

Cool! You’ve figured out your element (happy dance)! Here are some ideas to guide you in nurturing your soul … & your sanctuary!
This element signifies power, stability & strength. Keep paint colors neutral. Hang art that depicts landscapes, farms & nature. Anything made with clay such as a vase, pots or even tableware, would be a great addition. Obviously, hardwood floors or wood furniture are pretty typical design elements, but if you love to get out in nature, tap into of the beauty all around you and collect pinecones, leaves or twigs to use as décor! I love to have a Himalayan salt lamp in my bedroom that I turn on when I get home from work to ionize the air, but also to have a piece of the earth in my room for grounding & a peaceful sleep. Use fresh flowers & plants for color!

Air represents life, harmony & purity. Let as much air & light to flow in as possible. Incorporate white paint on walls & soft yellow as an accent in a few key areas to keep things sunny & fresh. A clear bowl with bright lemons in the kitchen? PERFECT!
DECLUTTERING is likely the most important portion of this element, so a minimal (but not stark) space is vital to an Air sign’s wellbeing. Real plants are amazing in purifying the air & helping with mental clarity. Keep furniture simple with clean, flowing lines. Adding metal elements keeps things “airy” so even metal feet on a sofa or a side table made with metal would be great additions. If you have a smaller space, using mirrors to make the room seem larger is a great tool!

Fire as an element brings a strong presence to a room – both as a personal trait AND in design! Balance is key with this one! Think cozy but not overpowering. A fireplace is perfect for bringing this element in & lends great to more of an industrial design style. Warm red tones in brick are fantastic as well, to add a unique feature on a wall! If you’re thinking of new hardwood, go for dark, richer stains. If you’re bold enough, find a funky red chair or two to accompany a neutral sofa – if you’re living on the edge – a red sofa would be AMAZEBALLS! Balance the brightness of red with soft, warm neutral tones in paint. An easier fix would be to infuse the room with art that has hints of red or orange. An area rug with some of these colors would also do the trick. Just make sure you don’t have TOO MUCH red! The color is intense & when you want to relax, this gets you revved up rather than chills you out.

OBVIOUSLY, this element mimics the fluidity of liquid. Keep it light with calming colors. If you’re a fan of cool blues & greens, chances are you’re a water sign. Use these shades in artwork, accessories, throws & toss cushions. Keep walls & floors light (picture a sandy beach). Artwork that features landscapes or waterscapes is soothing & instantly transports you to a relaxing mood. Furniture with soft, flowing lines should be part of the room but not stand out. The look should be cohesive throughout the whole home. If you’re really struggling to bring water into your home, grab a fishbowl (you're gonna need a fish!) & place him on the kitchen counter - what a great conversation starter lol!

By incorporating just one or two of your earth element into your home, you will start to feel the change immediately. What have you got to lose? Step outside of the box…give it a try! I promise you will start to feel the difference.