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The ancient art of placement - Feng Shui - was developed thousands of years ago. It has been proven to enhance & improve the flow of energy through your environment to maximize positive potential for your entire life. Fascinating right?? It MAY include interior design or architectural elements, but it is more about creating awareness beyond the superficial & building towards a more supportive & nurturing environment.

Of course it's a great time to incorporate Feng Shui when you are moving, renovating or building a new home, but it can truly be done at any time! In fact, it may be even MORE beneficial when you are smack dab in the middle of chaos in your life because it's not just about moving furniture around – it’s about shifting your environment, physically & energetically, to support & nurture your LIFE!!

Ways to incorporate this amazing practice are endless, but one of the most IMPORTANT rules is to start with the COMMANDING POSITION. It is the concept that governs where & how you position your furniture in a space to let all of that good energy flow!

Ideally your bed, desk & stove should be positioned so that you can see the door, while not actually being in line with it. It’s also best to have your back against the wall (the furthest wall from the door if possible) to be able to see the largest expanse of the door. Placing yourself in the commanding position of the room, your home & your life, let's you see what the Universe is bringing to you without being surprised! Cool stuff right?

You will be situating yourself so you can clearly see ahead & move forward with your eyes open. For example, If you’re sitting in a restaurant and you like to be closer to the far side of the restaurant with your back against the wall, this is exactly what's happening without you even realizing it! You want to see people coming in so you’re not going to be surprised by anyone coming up behind you. The Universe is already conspiring WITH you!!!!

You want to position your bed, your stove and your desk (the three most important pieces of furniture in your home) in the commanding position. Your bed represents YOU and your personal life, the desk represents your CAREER and your stove represents your WEALTH & how you nourish yourself in the world.

Obviously, moving your stove isn't always possible, so placing a small mirror behind the cooktop works perfect!

For your bed, use a tall standing mirror in a spot so that when you are sleeping, you can see the door. Make adjustments so that when you are sitting at your desk, standing at your stove cooking or lying in bed you can clearly see the door in the mirror. It takes a bit of maneuvering but when you get it in the right place, you will be back in the commanding position. Your mind wants to feel safe and this will do that. The “perception” that you are NOT in command is what creates anxiety and stress.

Start your week with this tiny step and instantly start creating a more peaceful space that will nurture you!



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